food. medicine. earth immunity.

Mushroom cultivation and education


Learn how to grow mushrooms

Join us for an educational mushroom cultivation workshop

A place for mushroom exploration, cultivation and education.

MycoCasa is an urban mushroom farm and fungi laboratory based in Australia. We actively explore novel approaches to mushroom cultivation and the potential of fungi in our modern world.

Partnering with fungi to create solutions.

We see a partnership with fungi as a powerful alliance that will undoubtedly continue to give rise to meaningful solutions to many of the global challenges we face.

Collectively learning
and exploring together.

We believe in collectively studying and working with mushrooms. When we approach these fields with an openess and willingness to share, we can learn so much more as a community. There is so much more to learn and discover together.

Join our mailing list to learn about growing mushrooms, culinary and medicinal uses, fungal ecology and more!

The latest from the world of mushrooms
delivered to your inbox every fortnight.

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Learn Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation for Self-Sufficiency

At MycoCasa, we embrace a philosophy that mimics nature's wisdom, reduces waste, and ultimately produces an abundance of mushrooms!We're passionate about demystifying mushroom cultivation and making it accessible to all. Our mission is to empower you to successfully grow mushrooms in a way that's kind to the earth.Our in person Workshops, upcoming Online Courses and our weekly Mushroom Musings email newsletter are full of knowledge to support you on your mushroom growing journey!

Whether you're new to mushroom cultivation or an experienced grower, we're here to support you towards sustainable methods that not only yield healthy mushrooms but also contribute to the well-being of our planet.

If you're fascinated by the world of mushrooms and eager to explore their cultivation, our Mushroom Musings newsletter is just for you! We share tips on growing different mushroom species, culinary uses and medicinal properties, insightful discussions on fungal ecology, tips for wild mushroom foraging and the latest research in mycology.Sign up today to discover the magical world of mushrooms with us!

Sign up below and get the latest from the world of mushrooms delivered straight to your inbox every fortnight

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Our in-person workshops offer a hands-on approach to learning mushroom growing methods. We dive into simple and effective methods that anyone can use to successfully grow mushrooms.From learning about substrate selection to hands-on experience with bucket cultivation and outdoor techniques, our workshops provide practical skills for cultivating mushrooms effectively.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced grower, our workshops provide valuable insights and guidance for successful mushroom cultivation.

Embark on a journey into the world of mushroom cultivation through our Online Mushroom Growing Courses. Learn everything we cover in our in-person workshops, plus so mush more!Our courses are self-paced and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.Explore topics including organic growing methods, bucket cultivation and outdoor growing systems, making mushroom spawn, working with mushroom cultures and creating your own mini mushroom farm.Whether you're an urban dweller or a rural homesteader, our courses provide practical insights to help you to successfully grow an abundance of mushrooms.

Our online courses are expected to launch in mid 2024.
Join our mailing list to be updated when they are released.

Learn how to grow oyster mushrooms
in upcycled containers

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notified of upcoming workshops

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Mushroom Cultivation Workshop

Learn how to grow your own mushrooms in upcycled containers!

In this workshop, you will learn everything you need to know to be able to grow your own mushrooms in upcycled containers. We will explore the various stages of mushroom cultivation, discuss simple tips and tricks for success and show you how to make your own oyster mushroom growing bucket.

Learn more about the workshop

See upcoming workshop dates below.

Interested in hosting a mushroom cultivation workshop? Contact us today to arrange your very own workshop!

Our next in person workshops in Perth, Western Australia are planned for Spring 2024.

Sign up below to be notified of upcoming workshops!

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Learn how to grow oyster mushrooms in upcycled containers

A Sustainable Approach to Growing Your Own MushroomsThis workshop empowers you to save plastic containers from landfill, by upcycling and repurposing them into mushroom growing buckets, whilst giving you the skills to grow mushrooms for yourself, your family and your community. You'll be part of a movement that is all about finding better ways to grow mushrooms by reducing plastic waste and food miles.In this workshop, you will learn everything you need to know to be able to grow your own oyster mushrooms in upcycled containers. We will explore the various stages of mushroom cultivation, discuss simple tips and tricks for success and show you how to make your own oyster mushroom growing bucket.The workshop covers both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in sustainable mushroom cultivation. You will discover what mushrooms need to grow and how you can set up the ideal conditions for success. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and to discuss ideas with the group.During the workshop you will learn:
• The complete process of mushroom cultivation
• How to make your own mushroom spawn
• How to prepare sawdust as a growing substrate
• How to grow oyster mushrooms in containers and buckets
• How to create the ideal conditions for success
• Theoretical knowledge and practical skills
You will leave the workshop with:
1. The knowledge and skills to be able to grow mushrooms from upcycled buckets
2. Your very own oyster mushroom growing bucket
3. Access to ongoing support and resources to continue your mushroom growing journey
About your facilitator:
Simon Kurieta has been actively working with and cultivating mushrooms for 9 years. During this time, he has studied and explored various ways to grow mushrooms for food, health and the planet. As an environmental scientist, aspiring mycologist and mushroom cultivator he has been continually inspired and captivated by the world of mushrooms and their potential to help solve some of the global problems we face. He believes that by growing our own mushrooms and understanding the role of fungi in nature, we can begin to create more resilient communities centred around locally grown food, community-based education and a deeper understanding of nature. He loves to share his passion for growing mushrooms and believes that anyone, anywhere can begin to grow their own mushrooms for themselves, their family and the community.
More details:
The workshop will run for approximately 3 hours and is split into two parts: an interactive educational session and a hands-on learning experience where you will make your own oyster mushroom growing bucket.
Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the workshop.
Please note that this is a non-catered event.
Filtered tap water is available (please bring your own cup or water bottle).
If you have any questions, please send an email to or send us a message here.

Saturday 14th October, 2023 | 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions

1. Put the bucket kit on a bench or table somewhere clean and away from open windows, fans or AC and out of direct sunlight. Ideally, it’s not too hot or cold (15-25c for best results). A kitchen or laundry bench usually works well.2. Remove the stickers from the side of the bucket. But don’t remove any stickers on the lid.3. Start misting the holes of the bucket with a few sprays of filtered water, 2-3 times a day (in the morning and again at night).4. Usually within 3-10 days baby mushrooms will appear. Keep misting to make sure the mushrooms don’t dry out.5. Mushrooms are ready to harvest after about 5-7 days or when the edge of the cap is almost flattened out.

Your kit may produce a second flush of mushrooms a few weeks later. Simply rest the kit for 1 week, then start misting again. A second harvest should appear within a week or so. When the kit has been used, simply empty the contents into your compost or garden bed.

A few more tips for success:
- If you’re not ready to start your kit just yet, store it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks before using it.- Once you start it’s important to keep misting them 2-3 times per day to avoid them drying out. Mushrooms will stop growing if they become too dry.- Never open the lid of the bucket or touch the mycelium (white fuzzy stuff) with bare hands as this may contaminate the kit and prevent mushrooms from forming.

If you have any questions or need help feel free to send us a message and we will be happy to assist. All the best with your mushroom kit!